Annual Awards Dinner and Dance
/Members and guests attended a relaxed and informal Dinner and Dance at the Greetham Valley Golf Club on Saturday, 31st January 2015.
The event provides an opportunity to present the Annual Awards to those deserving souls whom Council believe to have earned them over the course of the year. The following awards were announced and presented by the Presiding Master.
The ElLis Trophy
THE ELLIS TROPHY for the most promising newcomer goes to Jean Bevan who joined us in the Windward Isles January 2015 - not really knowing too much about the group or her fellow crew members. We hope that Jean will join us again soon on another trip, but unfortunately she cannot be with us this evening. Mary Bancroft accepted the Trophy on Jean’s behalf.
The Navigators Tankard
THE NAVIGATOR’S TANKARD goes to Neville Buckle who discovered the club through our website and joined the crew of Tres Jolie on the cross channel trip to the Baie de la Seine and then later, on the October Sailex in the Solent. Neville has all the makings of a stalwart TOG member
THE MILLENIUM TROPHY is awarded by TOGLINE editor’s choice in recognition of contributions to TOGLINE. It is awarded to Kevin Martin, who wrote an excellent report on the Scottish Sailex as skipper of Ruby Too.
The Commodore's Cup
THE COMMODORE’S CUP for long standing service to the club as enthusiastic crew member, unstintingly cheerful navigator and all round good egg goes to the editor of TOGLINE himself, Ian Calderwood.
The Norman Allen Trophy
Finally, your council has agreed to award a new trophy in tribute to and in memory of, our first Presiding Master, Norman Allen. Appropriately, this is a fine tankard and it goes to a relatively new member - someone who has already made a considerable mark in the group through his enthusiasm, experience and expertise; and who, most recently as skipper of the successful Pembrokeshire cruise, drew much praise from his crew. Alan Mortimore is the first recipient of the Norman Allen Trophy.”
After a number of years, we have resurrected the PHOTOGRAPHY AWARD for the most impressive picture submitted, with its accompanying article, to TOGLINE. This year it goes to Rowland Charge for his picture of sunset on Loch na Drum Buie during the Scottish Sailex.
The Calm before the storm
Photography Award
There is always a slideshow at the Annual Dinner, on this occasion arranged by Paul Ratcliffe, our membership Secretary, showing slides sent in at Paul’s request. A presentation was made to the most prolific supplier of those slides - again a joint effort by Kevin and Linda Martin.