Pembrokeshire Sailex
/Text comms from Neil when possible.
Left Neyland 20:00 on Friday evening then pilotage along channel out to sea. Left Skokholm to starboard then set course broadly NW to Irish coast. S wind F 2/3 variable so sailed mostly under genoa motoring in light winds. Sea state light / moderate, but unpleasant motion and wet. Weather cleared late morning and entered Arklow fish dock marina 15:20 on Saturday when the sun came out! Now very pleasant; pub grub and stout tonight.
Sunday 40nm run north to Dun Laoghaire in southerly F 3 / 4 that increased later so reefed. Fine weather. Quick trip to Dublin.
Monday 3/9 Berthed in Dun Laoghaire. Parties sent to Dublin on the Dart train. Neville led splendid tour of main sites, lunch in Arlington bar then back to yachts. Departed berths 19:55 for overnight passage to Bardsey Island.
Molly Malone stands out!
Tuesday 4/9. Anchored on Bardsey Island bay 08:30 after a speedy passage in F 4/5 slight moderate seas and a starlit sky. Restful day at anchor before another (!) o/n passage south with Skoma the intended destination. Brief trip ashore by Otter crew enlivened by dinghy leak and borrowed skiff to rescue.
Wednesday 5/9 Neil Macfarlane reports. Greetings from TONG - the Trent Offshore Nocturnal Group. Otter and Kalel left Bardsey Island anchorage at 20:00 and sailes south under genoa in northerly F 2 / 5 across Cardigan Bay. Through Ramsey sound with the tide (past the bitches ed) then down to Skomer Island.
North Haven lacked shelter from the wind so through Jack Sound to South Bay with both yachts anchored by 10:00 for welcome rest and victuals. 70nm passage memorable for splendid night sky! Around mid day both yachts upped anchors and headded west for Grassholm and the gannetry and other sea birds. 18nm round trip back to Skomer for supper.
Thursday 6/9. Some concern on Kalel o/n re anchor alarms and Manx shearwater activity. With morning a leisurely breakfast then left Skomer anchorage to sail west in a NW F4 smooth/moderate sea, overcast. Went about for a cracking sail running ESE leaving Skokholm Island to port headed for entrance to Milford Sound, past the oil terminals, under the bridge to meet Otter on moorings off Lawrenny. The ashore early evening for both crews to the local pub for supper. With a single working dinghy several trips were necessary to get both crews ashore then back on board. Kalel 25nm.
Friday 7/9 Kalel and Otter back in Neyland refuelled, watered and cleaned.
Finally the crews of Kalel and Otter extend their thanks to the lead skipper Alan Mortimore, for his forethought, meticulous planning and enthusiasm in organising this Sailex and skipper Neville Buckle who jointly ensured its successful outcome.
Total distance travelled 335nm approx