Baie de la Seine Sailex

11th May 2014

Four TOG crew, led by Training Master Dave Bond delayed making their channel crossing due to strong winds and spent the night in Portsmouth :-/

 Three out of four ain't bad!!

 Three out of four ain't bad!!

12th May 2014

Weather conditions have improved and we are happy to report that all four boats departed Portsmouth at 0400 hrs Monday 12th May and arrived safely in Le Harve some 12 hours later :-)

 Brian shows off TOG's 2014 strip

 Brian shows off TOG's 2014 strip

13th May 2014

All boats safely arrive in Honfleur, although one was delayed due to problems with the main halyard.

 The good life

 The good life

 The trip so far 14/5/14

 The trip so far 14/5/14

Wednesday 14th May

Departed Honfleur and made our way to Ouistreham where we visited Pegasus Bar and museum.

 Vis a Vis enters Honfleu

 Vis a Vis enters Honfleu

Thursday 15th May

Tres Jolie, Skippered by Stewart and Soirée, Skippered by Dave made a 14 hour passage to Gosport in very light winds and bright sun. Vis a Vis, Skippered by Phil, delayed by halyard break stayed the day in Ouistreham and intended to cross last night.

Halyard Repairs

Halyard Repairs

Another crew meeting

Another crew meeting

Carte Blanche, Skippered by Adrian set off for Cherbourg and plan to cross the English Channel today.

Friday 16th May
All plan to meet up Friday night in Cowes for Paul's 50th :-)