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RYA First Aid Course

TOG are pleased to be able to offer members and friends the opportunity to renew your RYA First Aid Certificate by attending the 2020 course that will take place on Saturday 21st March.

This one-day course covers all the usual first aid subjects, but from a boating perspective. It is aimed at anyone who goes afloat, whether on inland waters, rivers, estuaries or on cross channel passages. This course is MCA approved and satisfies the requirements for Coastal Skipper Yachtmaster and Advanced Powerboat certificates of competence and some commercial work afloat.

Venue – TBC but in Leicestershire

Likely cost to TOG members - £55 and £90 depending upon final numbers.

Course Content:-

Topics covered will include - the recovery position in a confined space, CPR, including the drowning protocol, cold shock and hypothermia from immersion and/or exposure, seasickness and dehydration, medical assistance or advice by VHF, helicopter rescue.

To book please reserve your place via the link below asap as places are limited.


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8:00 AM08:00

RYA First Aid Course

RYA First Aid Course


This one-day course covers all the usual first aid subjects, but from a boating perspective. It is aimed at anyone who goes afloat, whether on inland waters, rivers, estuaries or on cross channel passages. This course is MCA approved and satisfies the requirements for Coastal Skipper Yachtmaster and Advanced Powerboat certificates of competence and some commercial work afloat.


Date of Course – Sunday 31st March


Venue – TBC but in Leicestershire


Likely cost to TOG members - £40 - £65 depending upon final numbers.


Course Content:-


Topics covered will include - the recovery position in a confined space, CPR, including the drowning protocol, cold shock and hypothermia from immersion and/or exposure, seasickness and dehydration, medical assistance or advice by VHF, helicopter rescue.

This course has attracted more applicants that allowed by the RYA so we hope to make arrangements for another course soon.

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to Mar 24

RYA Sea Survival / Offshore Safety Course

Reach For The Wind are running another Sea Survival / Offshore Safety Course in March.

The following message is from Keith Harding of “Reach For The Wind” our Sea Survival Training Provider.

We have a Sea Survival and RYA World of Sailing Offshore Safety Course running in the Midlands, just off junction 7 of the M6 on the 23rd and 24th March.

The price for both days ia £195 per person, or if you wish to attend the Sea Survival Day only the price for that day is £125

RYA Sea Survival Course (Day one) 23rd March

After the weekend you will be presented with the RYA Basic Sea Survival Certificate and the World Sailing / RYA Offshore Safety Course Certificate. Together they satisfy the training required of World Sailing Offshore Special Regulation 6.01 for category 0, 1 and category 2 offshore races. It is suitable for skippers and crews of yachts wishing to take part in the Rolex Fastnet Race.

To book a place, or if you have any questions please contact Keith Harding Direct on tel. 07831 431197 or by email at

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