Enjoy an evening with friends at Nottingham Greyhound Stadium.
It is with much regret that we have been forced to CANCEL this social event due to limited take up by members. Apologies to anyone thinking about joining the TOG group - we hope to see you at the Annual Dinner in January and welcome any ideas you may have for other social events in 2017.
Gates open at 6:00pm with the first race scheduled for 07:15pm
Price per person £22.00 (includes admission, a four course meal and race programme)
Non-Members welcome to this social gathering - must be over 18
Please book by contacting Andy McWilliam, TOG Social Secretary, (andrew.mcwilliam2@btopenworld.com as soon as you can. Please provide the names of all in your group, and the group leaders name and mobile number. This information required for table arrangements.
PAYMENT :- Please send £22.00 per person to TOG by Bank Transfer - Reference TOGdogs16 (and add the group leaders initials) Bank Account Name - A S McWilliam. Bank Account Number - 91201255 Bank Account Sort Code - 40-28-06
Queries and further information email Andy at andrew.mcwilliam2@btopenworld.com 6 Spinney Drive, Quorn, LE12 8HB 07714 951395
Classics Restaurant Menu
Menu available 2 September - 22 November 2016 inclusive
Coarse Farmhouse Pate with Toasted French Bread
Cajun Chicken Salad with Mango & Lime Vinaigrette
Chef’s Homemade Soup of the Day
Smoked Trout Fillet with a Horseradish Cream Dressing
Creamy Garlic Mushrooms on Ciabatta Toast
Chicken Jalfrezi With Basmati Rice & a Poppadom
Baked Cod on A Bed Of Sautéed Red Onion & Baby Spinach with a Rich Mature Cheddar Sauce
Braised Beef & Mushrooms Served in a Cream & Dijon Mustard Sauce with Basmati Rice
Roasted Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato & Brie Tart With a Cream & Chive Sauce
Breast Of Chicken In a Tarragon, Tomato & White Wine Sauce
Chargrilled Bacon Loin with a Creamy Onion Sauce
Iced Bakewell Tart
Mango & Vanilla Delice
Trio of Chocolate Truffle Torte
Coffee & Sultana Cheesecake
Chef’s Dessert of the Day
Fresh Filter Coffee or Tea
For information on allergens please see our website. Menu subject to change.