Aye aye captain... Looks like the Navigator's lost again.
Perhaps he needs to redo his RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.
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Perhaps he needs to redo his RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence.
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The Trent Offshore Group: Providing offshore sailing experience with responsible skippering has always been our major consideration within the group and has enabled us over the years to charter good quality boats at reasonable prices.
Our charters range from giving sailing experience to enhance sailing skills and possibly log RYA qualifying passages to sailing holidays in both UK and foreign waters.
The Trent Offshore Group was founded in 1983 and has around 120 members mainly in the midlands, as well as active members in various other parts of the globe.
To provide offshore sailing experience to members to relevant RYA standards
We also organise RYA shore based and other sailing courses.
Newcomers are welcome. Previous sailing experience is not a requirement. Prospective new members should complete the membership application form and pay the first full years subscription £20 by cheque and following years' subscriptions £15 by standing order. For further details contact the membership secretary or come along to one of our socials.
Keep up to date with the latest sailing and social activities arranged by the Trent Offshore Group enter your name and email address here.
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